Course curriculum

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    Pillar 8 - Business and Revenue

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 1 Introduction

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 2 Registering Your Business

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 3 IC Forms and W9s

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 4 Liability Insurance

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 5 Setting Goals Run the Numbers

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 6 Two Rules to Business

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 7 Who is Your Customer

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 8 Overhead Part 1 (Money)

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 9 Analyzing Your Market

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 10 Pricing (How Much Do I Charge)

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 11 Overhead (Part 2) Time and Resources

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 12 Your EPK (The Key to a Career)

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 13 Your EPK WARNING! (Additional Info)

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 14 Account Penetration (Customer Acquisition)

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 15 Be Easy to Do Business With

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 16 Calendar is Life

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 17 Contracts (Writing and Reading)

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 18 How Much Should I Pay My Players

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 19 Invoicing (Ask for Your Money)

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 20 Put the Money in the Bank

    • BUSINESS AND REVENUE - 21 Make Money!